Once we had written our information leaflets about hedgehogs, we put them in our wildlife rescue centre for people to look at. Here are just a few of them. Map workWe looked at an aerial view of Morda, and located key places in the village. We then created our own map. Our next job as wildlife experts.....The building company have asked us if we would send them some instructions on how to rescue a hedgehog if they came across one again. We got straight to work! But first, we needed to find out how we write instructions and what features we would see.
While working in the wildlife centre, we had a phone call to say that a hedgehog had been found trapped in a fence. We planned and put together everything we would need to rescue the hedgehog. After we had rescued the hedgehog, we considered it's point of view and listened to it's story. We then got into role as if we were the trapped hedgehog! Finding out about hedgehogsIt is important as part of our role, to know all about hedgehogs. We got to work on researching all about them. Look what we have been doing at home!We have enjoyed our work in class so much, we are doing more at home! D&T project - structuresWe are beginning to explore what makes a structure stable. We tested different 3D shapes to see which one would support the most weight. We then decided the best way to place the 3D shapes to hold the most weight.
This morning, we took time to think about why it is important for us to remember DDay. We were joined by Yin in assembly, where he explained what DDay means to us. Back in class, we watched a short video, which showed us why we must never forget. Setting up the wildlife rescue centreAs part of our drama, we decided that we needed a wildlife rescue centre. We came up with plans of what the rescue centre would look like. Once this was done, we decided what role we would have:
vet veterinary nurse receptionist onsite team to protect animals in the wild responsible for the night vision cameras security fundraising to keep the centre running We hope that you have had an enjoyable half term and ready to start another busy half term. Our focus this half term will be on our locality and the geographical features of our area. We will be looking at the impact property development has on wildlife and what we can do to help. Mantle of the Expert - through our Mantle of the Expert dramatic play, we will become wildlife experts working for the wildlife trust. We will be helping a building developer to make sure wildlife is protected and their habitat is not destroyed. Literacy - We will be researching wildlife and writing information text for the developers. We will be then writing a story in the perspective of a trapped hedgehog! Science - We will be looking at classification of animals and the life cycle of animals. To link with our geography topic, we will be looking at how we can protect wildlife and their habitats. Maths - In maths this half term there will be some consolidation of learning from throughout the year. Year 3 will have a focus on multiplication, so please make sure you are logging on TT Rocks regularly! Design and Technology - We will be exploring the concept and features of structures and the stability of different shapes. We will then make a structure according to a design criteria and produce a finished structure and evaluate its strength, stiffness and stability. This half term is going to be busy one, so please make sure you check weekly reminders on the website. Hopefully, we will see some sunshine, so remember to bring in a hat and apply sun cream before coming to school. As always, if there are any worries or questions please don't hesitate to come and speak to us. Mrs Humphreys and Mrs Kavanagh Wildlife conservation in our local area![]() Development should not come at the expense of our natural environment. All development, be it housing or commercial must be designed and delivered in a way that contributes to nature’s recovery, not its decline. As a team of experts, we will work to protect our wildlife in Morda as new houses are being built. We start our story as we discover a hedgehog that has become trapped in some fencing that the developers have put up, before work begins. We explored the views of the hedgehog and what the hedgehog might be thinking. 'Please help me, I only went for some food!' 'What is this? This wasn't here yesterday?' 'I am so angry, what have the humans done this time?' 'I knew I shouldn't have eaten so many bugs, then I might have been able to squeeze through!' To get the point of view of the hedgehog, we got into role as if we were the trapped hedgehog in the fence. What would we be thinking? How would we feel? When we were touched on the shoulder, we told everyone our thoughts.
AuthorThis is the blog of Daffodils Class (Year 2 and 3) Archives
December 2024
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