Message from the Executive Headteacher
Can you believe how fast the half term is flying by? With the warm summer weather gracing us this week, it's been wonderful to see the children so focused and enthusiastic about their learning. They’ve been diving into their studies with their typical dedication—it's what we do! On Monday of this week I had the pleasure of taking Year 6 children from Morda and Whittington to a Flag Football event at Thomas Adams School. This new sport, which is the basis of American Football, is growing in popularity and it’s easy to see why! Our children performed brilliantly and their behaviour was exemplary. I was very proud of them and look forward to more shared events such as this. On Tuesday we held a Full Governing Body Meeting to review the budgets of each school for next year. In the current economic and political climate, school budgets are becoming increasingly difficult to manage. It’s important that governors support and challenge to ensure that we are doing all that we can to protect our schools for the future and to use our funding to the best advantage of the children. I’m delighted to say that we have healthy budgets in each school, with the budget at Morda seeing a significant improvement this year. This is exciting for the future. Special thanks to Ms Warner, our School Business Manager, who leads on finance across our schools. As we reach the final weeks of the school year, plans for the next are fully in place. Parents at Morda have been informed about classes for next year and class information at Whittington will be shared next week. Whilst it’s exciting to think about the new challenges of next year, we want to be sure that we continue learning right up to the end of term. Three more action-packed weeks to come! This week, the values of democracy have been a point for discussion in school. This will continue next week in the build up to the general election. Please try to find time this weekend to discuss the election and the decisions that you will be making, to support children in understanding what will undoubtedly be an important election for our nation. Have a great weekend. Mr Carl Rogers Executive Headteacher Morda The heat hasn’t stopped the hard work at Morda this week. It has been assessment week and many of the pupils have completed their summer assessments. This is an opportunity for them to show how much they have learned over the year. On Monday a team of Year 6 children went to a a Flag Football event at Thomas Adams School. They had a wonderful time learning American Football skills and were a credit to the school with their great enthusiasm and behaviour. Mrs Lunt and Mrs Butler have been out visiting our new 2024 reception children in their pre-school settings this week. They have really enjoyed meeting our new children and seeing how excited they are about starting their primary school journey. This week our assembly theme has been democracy. With the general election next week, children have been finding out about what democracy is and the values that our leaders aim to uphold. Next week, we will continue this theme with a visit from a local election candidate. This week, some of our year 5 girls (Ruby, Amelia and Isla) decided they wanted to raise money for Farplace Animal Rescue Centre. They took it on themselves to make bracelets and sell them in school. The bracelets went down a storm – so much so that the girls sold out! They have orders for next week. We’ll let you know how much money they raise next week. Great work girls! On the theme of fund raising – last week’s year 6 summer fete was a fantastic success and very well attended. The children worked so hard on their stalls and everyone has great fun (especially on the Soak a Six stall). The Year 6s raised over £300! This will help pay for the year 6 Crocky Trails trip. Fantastic work Team Shamrocks! We are all looking forward to Move up Morning next week- as children have a chance to meet their new teachers in their September classes and the new reception pupils have their first taster sessions in ‘Big School’! Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Helen Chapman Head of School
Message from the Executive Headteacher
As you will be aware by now, our values are central in school life. Our children know our values and what they mean to us and use them in their everyday choices. These are the principles that drive our behaviour. This half term we are exploring the values of different groups, organisations and communities in a way that allows us to reflect upon our own personal values. This week, we have thought about the values of the NSPCC, which are: Putting children first
These values are clear from our work during ‘Speak Out. Stay Safe’ Week. In each school, special assemblies have taken place with all children to highlight the importance of knowing what to do to safeguard ourselves and others. I am so pleased with the responses of our children. Children at Morda and Whittington feel safe and happy and I know this, because they tell me so. This week has shown that children know what to do to look after themselves and others. Well done all and special thanks to Mrs Vaughan for organising the week. As we begin to think of next year, it has been lovely to meet some of our new starters for September. Preschool children have been making themselves known and we look forward to more transition sessions in the near future. This also means that we are close to finalising plans for classes and staffing for next year. Children and parents will be informed of what classes will look like for next year in the not-too-distant future. Have a wonderful weekend. Mr Carl Rogers Executive Headteacher Morda This week has been our ‘Speak Out Stay Safe’ Week. Children have been learning about the NSPCC charity and the work that they do. All children have watched special NSPCC videos (featuring Ant and Dec!) which helps them to know what to do and who to speak to if something/someone is upsetting or hurting them. We have been talking about trusted adults at home and in school and about ‘Buddy’ the NSPCC mascot (a speech bubble) and Childline, a service that any child can ring or message confidentially if they need someone to talk to. Ask your child about the NSPCC lessons they have done – I bet they can tell you the number to ring! All around the school, classes are busy with this term’s topic learning. The Bluebells know lots about the Highlands of Scotland; the Daffodils are experts on our own village of Morda and the Roses have learned all about the landmarks of Birmingham. The Shamrocks have been focused on an entrepreneurial challenge this week. They will run the famous ‘Year 6 Fayre’ on Friday afternoon this week. Pupils from the Shamrocks have planned and put together a fantastic fun event to raise funds towards their leavers trip to Crocky Trails. Stalls include: Welly Wanging; Make a Bracelet; Toys and Books; Splat the Rat; Guess the Name of the Teddy; Teddy Tombola; Beat the Goalie; Cake, Biscuits and Ice Pop Stall; Popcorn Stall and of course the ever popular ‘Soak a Year 6’! A big thank you to Morrisons for the kind donation of cakes and sweets for the event. This promises to be a great afternoon – so please come along. Mrs Helen Chapman Head of School Message from the Executive Headteacher
Another wonderful week at Pathway Primary! Time flies when you're having fun and this is certainly in evidence in our schools. We've had wonderful opportunities for curriculum enrichment this week with ‘Mantle of the Expert’ lessons taking place in each school and a very well-received Spanish day at Whittington on Wednesday. Events such as these are evidence of how we go ‘above and beyond’ in our curriculum offer to ensure that children not only receive the statutory National Curriculum but, in addition to this, design wonderful learning opportunities to go further, as a result of the commitment of our brilliant staff team. This week, Ms Warner, School Business Manager, and I joined our Finance Officer for budgetary meetings for each school. Another less glamorous aspect of school life, but so important in ensuring that our schools are well-run and that a secure financial base is in place to support the learning of our children. The meetings were very positive and we look forward to sharing the details with governors at the end of the month. It was great to see parents in at Morda this week to join teachers for consultations. I know that teachers are now in full flow with report writing and we will look forward to receiving these in the not too distant future. Have a wonderful weekend. Mr Carl Rogers Executive Headteacher Morda This week we were delighted to welcome back Tim Taylor, our Mantle of the Expert and Dramatic Inquiry trainer to work in all classes. There was a wonderful buzz around school and children were totally engaged in some fantastic dramatic learning. This week’s assembly theme has been Olympic Values and we have been exploring what values might be important in sport. Children came up with lots of great ideas: resilience; fairness; courage; hard work; respect and cooperation, were just some of the children’s ideas. We will be studying the Paris Olympic games and Paralympics in the coming weeks and learning about the values that are upheld through these games. On Thursday, we had a special assembly celebrating our own individuality led by Revend Yin. We talked about how everyone is special and different, and how we shouldn’t be held back by stereotypes and everyone should be free to be themselves. We discussed the Oswestry Pride celebration, which will take place this weekend. It has been another active week. All classes have been taking part in the ‘Morda Mile’; some year 6 pupils attending additional swimming sessions at Oswestry Pool (in order to achieve their 25 metres swimming award) and Year 6 pupils have been completing a Bikeability course this week! During the Bikeability sessions children learned how to ride confidently and safely, first in the school grounds, and then on roads in the village. The ‘Learn to Cycle Team’ were excellent, patient instructors and the children all learned a great deal about being safe on their bikes. This was the second week of parent/ teacher consultations, and it was great to see so many parents coming into school to discuss their children’s learning. Wishing you a good weekend. Mrs Helen Chapman Head of School Message from the Executive Headteacher
It’s been a very successful first week of the half term in our schools. The second half of the summer is always such fun as we look forward to all of the memorable learning that comes at this time of year. Whilst we have the next academic year in sight, with things like reports and ‘Move Up’ days just around the corner, we will be ensuring that we keep working hard right up to the end of term. It was a pleasure to meet with Ian Barlett on Monday to undertake a ‘Safer Schools’ assessment at Morda Primary School. This award, developed with the police, rewards schools for keeping its children and staff safe and secure. I’m pleased to say that we achieved the award and will look forward to our presentation in the autumn term. This means that each of our schools is now Safer Schools accredited. Bluebells, from Morda, had a wonderful day at Whittington Castle on Tuesday. We are very lucky to have good links with the castle, which is perhaps easy to take for granted given its proximity. It is a rich site of historical heritage and I know that Bluebells made the most of their visit. As you will no doubt be aware, Thursday marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Each of our schools commemorated this occasion admirably, with special assemblies and associated learning. D-Day was one of the single-most important days of the Second World War. At the time, the D-Day invasion was the largest naval, air and land operation in history, and within a few days around 326,000 troops, more than 50,000 vehicles and some 100,000 tons of equipment had landed on the beaches of Normandy. By August 1944, all of northern France had been liberated, and in spring of 1945 the Allies had defeated the Germans. The day was an important opportunity to learn our history and to give thanks to those who served. As I write this, we have two teams competing at the Queensway Athletics festival. This is one of the best sports events of the year and children have been excited to practice for weeks! Good luck to the Morda and Whittington squads. We know that you’ll make us proud. Have a great weekend. Mr Carl Rogers Executive Headteacher Morda It was lovely to welcome everyone back after the half term break, for what is my favourite half term of the school year. The next few weeks are packed with special events and activities for the children, and we will be welcoming parents to join us for our Leavers’ Fayre, Sports Day and Leavers Church Service. Please put the dates (which have been sent by email and are also on the school website) into your diaries. Many parents have come in for parent teacher consultations this week. We hope that parents who have not yet spoken to their child’s class teacher will book in for a consultation next week. These discussions provide important feedback about your child’s progress and are an opportunity to celebrate successes, talk through any issues and share your child’s new learning targets. We would like all parents to attend. If the allocated sessions are not convenient, please talk to child’s teacher and they will arrange another mutually convenient time to meet. On Tuesday this week, the Bluebells Class enjoyed a fantastic historic trip to Whittington Castle. Children dressed up in medieval clothing, learned about life in a castle and even had the chance to go in the stocks! (We didn’t throw rotting fruit and vegetables at them though!) All the class behaved well and were deeply engaged in the learning. Thank you to the parent helpers who accompanied their children. We have started our final topics of the year. This half term we have a focus on geography. The Bluebells class are learning about life in the Highlands of Scotland, inspired by books about the fictional character Katie Morag. In the Daffodils, children are focused on the geography of our local environment – Morda. The Roses are comparing the village of Morda and the city of Birmingham. In their MoE drama, pupils will be helping a family newly arrived to the country to choose where they will live. The Shamrocks are environmentalists this half term. They will be studying where our energy comes from, how we can reduce our carbon footprint and conserve natural resources. The whole school took part in a special D-Day Remembrance assembly, on Thursday 6 June, delivered by Reverand Yin. Children were very interested in the event and asked some thoughtful questions. It would be wonderful if children could talk to any family members or friends who remember D-Day and the Second World War. This Friday, a keen group of children are competing at Queensway Athletics Festival. They have trained hard for the events and Mrs Edwards is confident that they will do their best and achieve well. We wish them good luck! Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Helen Chapman Head of School |
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July 2024