Applicable to all children: Please ensure you have selected packed lunch/ meal selection for your child each day via School Money – selection MUST be registered no later than midnight the previous day.
Please bring book bags every day.
Monday: PE, please can your child come to school dressed in school uniform with a named PE bag and kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Story time with parents in the hall 3.30pm start and finish 4pm.
Thursday: Forest School (afternoon session), please can your child come dressed to school in Forest School kit (trousers & trainers). No uniform needed please.
Friday: PE, please can your child come to school dressed in school uniform with a named PE bag and kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Please bring book bags every day.
Monday: PE, please can your child bring to school PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Friday: PE, please can your child bring to school PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
ROSES (Yrs 3/4)
Please read with your child and talk about their book at least once a week for our reading Picnic Challenge. Please play some of the games on TT Rocks including ROCKSLAM. Please make sure your child’s book bags and books are in school every day. Please practice your spellings at home over the weekend.
Tuesday: PE, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Thursday: PE, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Friday: Catch up reading club at 12.30pm.
Please read with your child and play some of the games on TT Rocks.
Tuesday: PE, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Wednesday: Dodgeball Squad of 8 children years 5 / 6 boys and girls, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Thursday: Swimming, please make sure your child has their swimming kit.
If your child has long hair, please make sure they come to school with a hair tie for PE.
Monday: Tag Rugby (Yrs3-6) 3.15 – 4.15
Tuesday: Athletics (Yrs2-6) 3.15 – 4.15
Wednesday NO Scratch Creative Club this week Cancelled
Mindfulness and Seasonal Crafts
(Yrs3-6) 3.15 – 4.15
Thursday: Caribbean Music Club (YrsR-2) 12.20 – 12.45
NO Football club this week Cancelled
Friday: Choir (Yrs2-6) 12.15 – 12.45
Applicable to all children: Please ensure you have selected packed lunch/ meal selection for your child each day via School Money – selection MUST be registered no later than midnight the previous day.
Please bring book bags every day.
Monday: PE, please can your child come to school dressed in school uniform with a named PE bag and kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Story time with parents in the hall 3.30pm start and finish 4pm.
Thursday: Forest School (afternoon session), please can your child come dressed to school in Forest School kit (trousers & trainers). No uniform needed please.
Friday: PE, please can your child come to school dressed in school uniform with a named PE bag and kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Please bring book bags every day.
Monday: PE, please can your child bring to school PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Friday: PE, please can your child bring to school PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
ROSES (Yrs 3/4)
Please read with your child and talk about their book at least once a week for our reading Picnic Challenge. Please play some of the games on TT Rocks including ROCKSLAM. Please make sure your child’s book bags and books are in school every day. Please practice your spellings at home over the weekend.
Tuesday: PE, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Thursday: PE, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Friday: Catch up reading club at 12.30pm.
Please read with your child and play some of the games on TT Rocks.
Tuesday: PE, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Wednesday: Dodgeball Squad of 8 children years 5 / 6 boys and girls, please make sure your child has a PE kit suitable for the weather conditions.
Thursday: Swimming, please make sure your child has their swimming kit.
If your child has long hair, please make sure they come to school with a hair tie for PE.
Monday: Tag Rugby (Yrs3-6) 3.15 – 4.15
Tuesday: Athletics (Yrs2-6) 3.15 – 4.15
Wednesday NO Scratch Creative Club this week Cancelled
Mindfulness and Seasonal Crafts
(Yrs3-6) 3.15 – 4.15
Thursday: Caribbean Music Club (YrsR-2) 12.20 – 12.45
NO Football club this week Cancelled
Friday: Choir (Yrs2-6) 12.15 – 12.45