We looked at legal age restrictions and had a go at guessing the legal age for a number of activities. Some of the answers were a surprise to us! We talked about why there are legal age restrictions for certain activities and how they protect us from harm
In class we stepped into role imagining what each side would be thinking and feeling and representing either the invading Roman army or the Celtic tribes led by Caractacus as we investigated the resistance to Roman invasion. We retold the story of Caractacus's last stand.
The children in Roses have been learning about how to create videos, what makes a good video and evaluating their videos so far. We learnt a video is visual and can have audio too. Daisy told us a good video needs to be clear, with audio, and precise. Albie told us the advantages of creating video is that you make memories.
The children looked at a range of devices and discussed which make videos. They learnt how to make a short video and then we evaluated them as a class. We found out a good video needs to be in focus, without too much background noise, the audio needs to be clear and the message you want to share is precise. Below is the Knowledge Organiser mind map with all the key information we will be learning for this term's exciting topic about the Roman's In Britain ( for more easily read version to downlaod please click on the button below)
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year. We begin this term by being Mantle of the Expert and travelling back in time to Roman Britain. A team of archaeologists are commissioned by a local museum to investigate the discovery of a large metal box found by a farmer in his field. From the engravings on the lid, it is possible the box might be Roman. As the archaeology team study the contents of the box and its history they find there is more here than meets the eye. By using their historical research and creative thinking skills the team reconstruct the events surrounding the hiding of the box and the lives of the people who buried it. We will meet Roman invading soldiers, fearsome Celts and the leaders of the resistance to the Roman invasion Caratacus and Boudica. In class, we will find out all about the Roman Invasion, the tribal revolts, the colonisation of Britain - and the impact these events had on the history of Britain and its people. We will focus on these key concepts: Conflict, Conquest, Empire, military, revolt, religion, settlement and trade. Our historical research will include investigating archaeological evidence and evaluating primary and secondary source material. As part of our research we will visit Wroxeter, a local Roman archaeological site. Our Literacy work will cover a range of fiction and non fiction reading and writing genres and will be inspired by the Ancient Roman myths and legend our historical and research and our class novel, “Revolt Against the Romans” by award winning author Tony Bradbury. The book is an exciting historical adventure which follows a Roman boy captured by the ‘savage’ Briton tribes. We will have some copies in school; however, it would be great if children could have their own copy of the book. You can order new copies through school at the discounted price of £3.50 (RRP:£5.99) by returning the attached reply slip, or you may wish to order your own copy second hand copy via Amazon or Ebay (these are cheaper). SCIENCE Mrs O’Grady will be teaching “Materials and their properties” in Science this term. Children will be learning about solids, liquids and gases. They will be developing their scientific enquiry skills by carrying out investigations, making observations, recording results and drawing their own conclusions. They will learn about what happens to water as it changes state and why this happens and they will be learning about the water cycle. DT This half term the children are going to have great fun designing and making a mechanical slingshot car. They are going to use lollipop sticks, dowel, wheels and card to build their car and then test it to see how far it travels. The children will create an elastic band sling shot to send their car on its way. HOMEWORK READING JOURNALS Reading at home and talking about your book with an adult is a part of expected weekly homework. Your child’s reading book and reading journal should come home every evening. Children will be expected to read at least 3 times a week (preferably every day) at home. Every time a child reads they should make a note of the pages read and any comments in their record book. Children should read to an adult at home and at school at least once a week and have their journal dated and signed when this has been done. Reading journals will be checked each week and their will be a lunch time catch up reading session on Tuesdays for children who have not managed to read at home. SPELLING Children will be given a differentiated set of spellings to learn each Monday. Spellings will be practised every day at school and should also be practised at home ready for a quiz on the Friday – if children need to revise spellings they have still found tricky these will be sent home as a homework over the weekend. MATHS Children should practise their timetable facts using the TTRocks website at least 3 times a week. Mrs O’Grady will keep a close check to ensure that children are doing this. All Year 4 children across the country will sit a government online Times Table test in May. The TTRocks games provide essential practise for this test and make the experience much less daunting as they will be used to quickly recalling and typing in times tables facts by then. The SOUNDCHECK game on TTRocks is almost identical to the official government test that the Year 4’s will sit – so it would be really beneficial for your child to play that game regularly. If you would like to know more about this – please pop into school and chat to Mrs O’Grady. The online games that children play at home are personalised to your child. The website gets to know which tables your child knows and which ones they need to learn. It then gives your child just the right questions to best meet their needs. There will be a lunch time work sheet Times table practise on Thursdays for children who have not managed to get on TTRocks at home. HOMEWORK CLUB There will be lunchtime homework catch up clubs on Tuesday and Thursday for children who have not completed reading and or TT Rocks homework. PE Our timetabled PE sessions will continue to be on alternate Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school (shorts, t-shirt , trainers, jogging bottoms) every week. PE kits should be brought in on Mondays and taken home for washing on Fridays. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know and we will arrange a meeting as soon as possible. We’re looking forward to a fantastic term. Kind Regards Mrs Chapman and Mrs O’Grady |
AuthorThis is the blog of Roses(Year 4 and 5)