In our MoE drama we became Roman soldiers on Hadrian's Wall. We took part in training; marching 30km wearing heavy armour ; we learned how to use a sword, spear and fight mock battles; practising working as a team creating special Roman army defensive and attack formations like 'The Tortoise' 'The Wedge' 'Repel Cavalry' and 'The orb' ( see photos below)
We imagined what it would have been like in our down time, and how we would have missed home. Outside the drama we studied some of the Roman tablets found at Vindolanda and wrote our own letters home to family and friends about our life as a Roman legionnaire.
We talked about privacy and the difference between secrets and surprises
We though about the difference between a secret and a surprise We thought about the difference between information that is public and private We talked about who we could talk to if we were worried or uncomfortable about something an adult does. We looked at the
AuthorThis is the blog of Roses(Year 4 and 5)