The children in Roses have been introduced to a range of weather phrases through mime and pictures. They have listened carefully to pronounce words correctly and begun to recognise their meaning.
This afternoon we looked at the waste hierarchy and found out that although recycling does help the environment, it is much better to reduce and reuse objects. We discussed the environmental advantages of reusing things (things not going to landfill, materials not being used to make new items and energy not being used to make new items). We also thought there were other benefits such as saving money, charities making money and those in need would be helped.
This afternoon we have been refreshing our memories and recapping how to program using Scratch. We all remembered how to change our sprites and backdrops and then moved on to the adding motion and sound. A super start!
This afternoon the children in Roses were exploring Human Rights. We shared a book which explored a range of Human Rights and discussed their meaning. We know everyone has human rights and why they are important.
Dear Parent,
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We begin this term by studying the history of the Vikings! Who were the Vikings and what drove them to embark upon such extraordinary voyages of discovery over a thousand years ago? How did they come to our shores and what is the legacy that they have left behind? In our Mantle of the Expert drama work we will become a team of archaeologists who discover an ancient Viking burial tomb - through careful archaeological investigation we will piece together the story of the invading warrior who was buried there. The team will be commissioned by the BBC to write a TV documentary describing the lives and adventures of this group of ancient warriors, colonisers, builders and engineers. In literacy we will be writing documentary scripts alongside a range of fiction and non-fiction genres which will be inspired by our Mantle of the Expert commission and our class novel, “The Riddle of the Runes” by Janina Ramirez a rip-roaring Viking adventure! Alva and her close friend, the wolf Fenrir are alone in the Viking world, while a kidnapper is on the loose. Alva fights with her fears and follows her passion of becoming an investigator. We will be using the novel in class to inspire our literacy work and for homework comprehension tasks. It would be really useful for every child to have their own copy of “The Riddle of the Runes” to read in school. A copy can be purchased through school for the discounted price of £6.00. In Science with Mrs O’Grady this half term, the children will be studying Animals, including humans. They are going to be finding out what things animals need to survive, the benefits of a balanced diet and focussing in particular on the digestive system. After the half term break, the children will be learning about living things and habitats. In Design and Technology this half term, the children will be looking at torches, finding out how they work and then designing and making their own torch. After half term we will switch to a Geography project on Llandudno and become a team working for the Welsh Tourist Board and Environment Agency. In Art we will be studying JMW Turner and particularly his wonderful seascape paintings. Hopefully a geography/ art trip to the seaside will be in order later in the term. HOMEWORK READING JOURNALS- Please ensure your child reads to you and/ or shares their reading book with you at home every week. We would like this to be happening at least 3-4 times a week. Please ensure you have signed your child’s Reading Journal as evidence that they have completed their weekly reading homework. TT ROCKS HOMEWORK – It is really important that your child plays the online games as often as possible. The online games are a fun way for your child to learn and practise their times tables. Unlike the worksheets we use in class, the online games are matched to each individual player and provide practise of the tables that your child needs. In May/June all the Year 4 children will be sitting a government set National Multiplication check. This is an online test very similar to the SOUNDCHECK game on TTRocks. It is therefore very important that your child goes online at home and plays the SOUNDCHECK game as much as possible. Practise makes progress as we always say in class. SPELLING We will be continuing with a weekly spelling quiz of 10 words your child has been learning over the previous week. Your child will bring home the spelling look cover check sheet that they have completed in school on a Friday so they can practise their spellings at home reading for the quiz on Monday morning. PE Our timetabled PE sessions will continue to be alternate Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Occasionally we may have extra sessions at other times. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school (shorts, t-shirt, trainers, jogging bottoms) every week. PE kits should be worn to school on day of PE or if your child is attending a club. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please let us know and we will arrange a meeting as soon as possible. We are looking forward to fantastic term. Kind Regards Mrs Chapman and Mrs O’Grady |
AuthorThis is the blog of Roses(Year 4 and 5)