We've played lots of fun games about food today and discussed healthy and unhealthy foods. We even tasted some yummy garlic and herb bread after making our own bread plaits for the harvest display.
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Lots of parents asked me about Class Dojo points after hearing lots from excited pupils!
Here are some pictures to add context! This is our class positive reward chart which we can reward the whole class and individuals at a click of a button. We reward each child's dojo monster for their great work and behaviour. Each day we have the two highest rewarded pupils as our class Dojo Stars. These pupils will lead the line, take responsibilities for snack time fruit and other important jobs throughout the following day. Hope this makes more sense! Our Bluebells children are BRILLIANT! We came in to Bluebells on Tuesday only to find loads of messages from the skeletons! Zephie and Elsie told them to come to Morda and they came leaving lovely messages for us. It was so exciting to see their writing and marks. We made two message centres in our class and were all busy writing back.
We have been discussing friendships and what makes a good friend. We thought about being kind, smiley, gentle and caring like sharing and looking after us when we are scared or feeling unwell.
Peyton said 'Isabelle is my friend. She says nice things, plays with me lots of times and helps me when I fall over' William said 'Bobby is a good friend, he shares and plays and is so kind to me' Maddie said ' Peyton and Josh play with me and Josh gives me cuddles' Penny is friends with Franky who has just started with us. She said ' I really like playing with Franky' Harry said 'Ava is my friend, she shares with me and is nice to me'. We are thrilled at how well our bluebells children have settled into school. They are all fantastic! Well done Bluebells for working so hard.