Our wonderful Bluebell pupils acting our the nativity story. I'm sure you will agree they are all fantastic. Well done Brilliant Bluebells
This week we were treated to a 'Christmas in a box' workshop by Jane Webber from our Church. Jane brought along a lot of wonderful resources including 6 drawers showing us the Christmas story from 6 different angles.
1. The story of Us - God loves us all 2. The story of Mary 3. The story of Joseph 4. the story of the shepherds 5. The story of the wise men 6. The story of love Jane showed us lots of props for us to guess the people. We then went back to our tables to add this to our Christmas boxes. We had lots of discussion about God showing compassion and love. All people are different but valued the same. Here are some photos showing the beautiful keepsake boxes we created. Huge thanks to Jane from us all in class Bluebells. We discussed the importance of hygiene and good handwashing. Lots of children mentioned corona virus and asking our hands lots. Eliza said soap will kill germs as it is strong. Teddy said it is good to wask with soap and water then put on hand sanitizer. Miss Butler showed us an experiment glitter for germs and the helpful strong soap pushing away these germs. We also practised thorough handwashing of all our fingers, thumbs, wrists and nails. Some children then went on to make posters for our classroom. We know the story so well we can retell it with all the story language.